IT support
cybersecurity speciality
Continuous maintenance, 365 days a yearCheck below how much you get in the package
Monthly reports on our activities - you know what you're paying for
259 EUR / month (+Taxes)
up to 100 users
We take care of the security and administration of your mail, specifically:
We strive to maintain transparency of our offer. All benefits available to everyone in one package. If it's still not enough for you, we can customize the offer.
All the benefits mentioned
Handling up to 100 people/addresses
Annual commitment
Monthly payment
Taxes not included
Exactly the same benefits
And the same conditions
For your convenience
Nothing protects 100%. A condom in a small percentage is ineffective, but that's no reason not to use it.
Łukasz Leśniewski
CTO & Founder
Don't wait, start taking care of
cybersecurity now!
A casual conversation will help answer your questions and clarify the details of the offer