I will ask up to 6
YES / NO questions
1. Only simple, non-technical questions
2. We do not collect email
3. We do not track results
4. The tool is open and free
Take care of your cyber on your own
No you have employees, so pay attention to subcontractors, entrustment agreements for processing personal data.
Apply the principles of hygiene of the digital world, and nothing bad should happen.
Has there ever been an audit for once?
Does the company exist for more than a year?
Most likely you need an audit
Any company can fall victim to a cyber attack. One year of an organization's existence is an important milestone.
Your business should not neglect cyber hygiene, which is worth checking before a cyber attack involving an outside entity.
What should an audit look like?Do usłyszenia na 1. urodziny istNonia firmy
Any company can fall victim to a cyber attack. One year of an organization's existence is an important milestone.
Your business should not neglect cyber hygiene, which is worth checking before a cyber attack involving an outside entity.
What should an audit look like?Did the audit show many anomalies?
Did the audit take place more than a year ago?
It is recommended to do this once a year
The big players conduct audits for about half of each year. In the minimum version, it is recommended to do it every 2 weeks.
Depending on what your company does, it may not be possible to delay it any longer.
Schedule online meetingHurray!
This is the kind of company we need.
Come back here next year, the criminals on the Internet No will be waiting.
Has an outside entity confirmed the changes?
It's time to do a catch-up taking into account the previous results.
Audits without implementing amendments make no sense. Changes should be checked by an external entity.
In special cases, this will allow the report to be deepened to include new risks if a side effect of the changes is a deterioration of security elsewhere.
Schedule online meetingHave you been able to fix the changes?
Was it more than six months ago?
Please work on the changes as recommended in the report.
Audits without implementing the amendments make no sense. Once they are implemented, it is worthwhile to have the changes checked by an external party.
In special cases, this will allow the report to be deepened to include new risks if a side effect of the changes is a deterioration of security elsewhere.
Something is wrong
Lack of improvement for the last six months means that something in the organization is not working. Audits without implementing improvements are pointless.
We conduct workshops to detect such a place, where the whole process of change has stopped and can cause problems over time.
Let's talkI created this tool so that everyone can know about their cyber needs on a clear basis.
I myself don't like tools where I have to enter an email on a coNnight and be inundated with spam.
Łukasz LeśNowski
CTO & Founder